The List - A journey to Soulmate Finding

As a psychic Medium, I have spoken with hundreds, if not thousands of people who were concerned with finding that special someone.  What follows is what I did to find MY soulmate and what I give as advice to those who ask.
To begin with, I have gone through the same trials and tribulations as many of you when it comes to finding my soulmate. However, after a ten year marriage, a three month marriage and numerous shorter relationships, I decided that I needed to take stock of my method of finding my special someone. To begin with, I figured out that the only thing those women had in common was me; and I figured out that I HAD to change things up if I wanted to find that special someone. So, I sat myself down and picked apart my lifetime of relationships and decided that I had put the universe in charge of finding my significant other. The problem was, I did not give the universe the information it needed to locate my mate. As a result, I sat down and began a VERY detailed list of the attributes I thought were needed and, I made a list.
I began my list by carefully dissecting my previous relationships, deciding what things I really needed and what thing I would NOT accept in a mate, Knowing that the universe, in its perverse way, did not understand the difference when you said the word no or not so, my list used neither of those words. Everything was phrased as a positive and very, very detailed. I then added in other things that I really wanted and needed from a relationship and so, the list was born. I printed out two copies, burned one and saved the other, letting the universe know that I was serious about my wants and needs. 
As I said, my list was extremely detailed, I even put down a physical description. For example, I pondered on such things as eye and hair color. For a while, I was at a loss as to what my preferences were but, finally, I decided, I put down red hair and green eyes since I always admired those traits on movie and television actresses. So, what then, I asked the universe to send her to me and then, I waited, but I did not have to wait long.
About two weeks after I finished my list, I received a call from a woman who I had apparently read some months before while on the show circuit and shockingly, SHE asked ME out on a date. Now here is the part that is really weird, I read many, many people so I had absolutely no idea what she looked like. Furthermore, I had stopped dating about two years before so that I could get my ducks in a row and figure out what I wanted and needed. The strangest part of all is, despite my self-enforced non-dating vow, I said yes.
I asked her where she wanted to meet and she told me that she knew I was doing a show in Knoxville that weekend and suggested that we meet there. "How will I know you?" I asked, she replied: "You won't but I know you and I will meet you there." I had never been on a blind date in my life but, for whatever reason, I agreed to the arrangement.
Fast forward to the weekend; during the show, between readings, I kept a close eye on females walking around the room. At one point, I saw this absolutely gorgeous woman walk in wearing a red dress. I immediately started hoping that this was her but, alas, she went straight to the table of a dear friend of mine and sat down for a reading. It was clear that they were old friends by the way they greeted each other and spoke to each other. At this point, I found myself trying to figure out a good way to ditch my blind date and ask this woman out. After a bit, I could see that their reading was over and that they were simply chatting. It being late in the day things had gotten very slow so, while they chatted, I got up from my table and sort of meandered by my friend's table.  I nodded to him hoping he would introduce me but, alas, that didn't happen. So, I returned to my own table and waited out the rest of the day still looking for my date.
After a while, the redhead got up and hugged my friend and I thought, "Oh well, guess that opportunity is lost.  Strangely, she did not head for the door, but instead, headed for my table. I asked with a smile if she wanted another reading, but she said no, could we talk for a moment. Naturally, I was all for that so I motioned for her to take a seat. She did and smiled at me.
"So, let me read you instead of you reading me," she asked right off the bat. People do that on occasion so I didn't think much about it until she said, eyes twinkling, I think you have a date tonight with a woman in a red dress!" I replied that, yes I did have a date but I had no idea what she would be wearing." She simply smiled at me. Eventually, the light dawned on me. "Tracy?" I asked, again she nodded. Naturally I was thrilled.
Later, after a wonderful date (we talked forever and still had more to say), she dropped my back at my car. I was going to be polite and hug her good night but, instead, she pulled me pulled my in and gave me one right on the lips and, boy she was a good kisser. I asked her if she would go out with me again. She agreed so we set up a date to meet me at where I was living on the next weekend.
Fast forward to the next weekend, after a great picnic we sat around talking. I gathered up my courage and told her that I hope it wouldn't frighten her off but that I had to say that I was falling in love with her. She replied, "Thank you, I hope it won't hurt your feelings if I don't return that since we have not been together very long.” I reassured her that it did not hurt my feelings as long as she would keep seeing me, to which she agreed.
An hour or so later, I told her, by way of explanation for my earlier statement of love, that I had fallen for her when she first walked in the room in that red dress. She smiled and replied, "I fell in love with you even before that when I saw you at another show you were at,"
Well, my jaw hit the ground, when she said that and I just stared. She was puzzled, 'What?" she asked. I was going to be a gentleman and not tell her that she had just said that she loved me too but she eventually made me tell her what I was staring about. So I told her. She almost fell down laughing. She said, "I don't remember saying that but, from the look on your face, I clearly did say it."  Long story short, by the end of the date we were talking about a wedding and three months after that we got married.
And that folks, was almost twenty-two years ago and she is still my lovely bride.
I hope this help any of you in the same boat I was in so long ago. Make your list, check it twice and hopefully you will find someone who is a little bit naughty but a whole lot nice.